Saturday 29 September 2012

Prednisone - The Unsung Hero of Cancer Therapy

Prednisone is used in combination with many drugs in prostate cancer therapy such as Docetaxel, Mitoxantrone, and Zytiga. It is used to potentiate the anticancer effects of these agents and to decrease side effects. However Prednisone comes with side effects of its own but these are manageable. But it also has anticancer effects of its own and explains the high overall survival of the Zytiga trial placebo arm who were all taking Prednisone plus placebo.

Docetaxel plus Prednisone has become the mainstay of prostate cancer chemotherapy and is now the standard to which other therapies are compared.

Mitoxantrone plus Prednisone is also another chemotherapy treatment option if Docetaxel treatment fails.

Zytiga plus Prednisone is now the Gold Standard of care and has set new standards in the treatment of prostate cancer.

Altogether Prednisone is the unsung hero of all these treatments and is also used for Leukaemia and Lymphoma therapy.

The molecular structure of Prednisone shows that it is a corticosteroid.

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