Sunday 20 May 2012

Can Zytiga be used with Salvestrols ?

The combination of Zytiga and Salvestrols make a powerful approach to the treatment of very advanced prostate cancer. This provides two pathways of attack on the cancer cells by two different mechanisms. Firstly the Zytiga blocks all androgen production and the prostate cancer cells are starved of androgens and cannot grow. Those that manage to continue growing are fed salvestrols which react with the CYP1B1 enzyme to destroy any remaining growing tumours. So together they provide a rational approach to the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. This approach has been used safely taking Zytiga at 1000 mg daily and Salvestrols at 6000 points daily. Furthermore it is believed that the salvestrols will prevent resistance to Zytiga which will enable this combination to be used long term.

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