Friday, 18 May 2012

Prostate Cancer Responds to Salvestrols

All stages of prostate cancer from early stage disease to advanced metastatic prostate cancer respond well to salvestrols. This is probably due to the very high expression of the salvestrol activating enzyme CYP1B1 in prostate cancer cells. These cells express high levels of CYP1B1 which activates the salvestrols to their anticancer metabolites and destroy the cancer cells.

Salvestrols work well against Docetaxel and Cabazitaxel resistant prostate cancer.

One of the resistance mechanisms to taxane based drugs such as Jevtana (Cabazitaxel) and Docetaxel is mediated by the enzyme CYP1B1 which has been shown to metabolize these drugs to inactive metabolites. The higher the levels of CYP1B1 then the higher the resistance will be to taxane drugs. However this is the very enzyme that activates the salvestrols so the more resistant cancers will become the most sensitive to salvestrol therapy. In the laboratory salvestrols effectively destroyed chemo resistant prostate cancer cells.

In practise the effects of salvestrols in prostate cancer patients can be amazing. One patient with a PSA of over 5000 saw this drop to less than 100 within a month of taking salvestrols.

Heres some examples of responses to salvestrols in prostate cancer patients:

Case #1.

A 72-year-old male was given a diagnosis of prostate cancer as part of rou­tine monitoring. This gentleman has a long-held belief that phar­maceutical approaches to disease treatment should only be considered as a last resort and preferred to look towards nutrition and nu­tritional supplements to restore his health.
For this approach he took Salvestrol supplementation at a dosage of 1 Salvestrol Platinum (1000 point ) capsule daily combined with a variety of other nutritional supple­ments.

After a period of three months, a PSA test was conducted and the result was within normal limits and he was pro­nounced ‘all clear’. Upon receiving this news he reduced the dose of salvestrols by taking one Salvestrol Shield (350 point) capsule per day as a preventative measure. He continues to be active, physically and mentally. He has had four further PSA tests at three-month intervals and they have all shown results within normal limits.

Case #2.

A 79-year-old male was diagnosed with prostate cancer. A digital rectal examination indicated the presence of a tumour on the left side of the prostate. Prostate cancer was diagnosed and a biopsy scheduled for confirmation. A Gleason Score of 6 (3+3) was assigned to the biopsy results.
Upon receipt of the confirmed diagnosis this gentleman began taking Salvestrols on a daily basis. This comprised three Salvestrol Platinum (2,000 point) capsules per day, taken after meals (6,000 points per day). These were taken in concert with vitamins and minerals that included known salvestrol co-factors such as biotin (625 mcg), niacin (1,000 mg), magne­sium (600 mg), ascorbic acid (3,900 mg), and iron fumerate (20 mg). No dietary changes were made and no change in exercise level was made. In two months of salvestrol supplementation the PSA test result indicated a level lower than that reported prior to his diagnosis.
A period of three months elapsed between receipt of his biopsy results and a consultation with his urologist. The urologist referred the gentleman to the British Columbia Cancer Agency. During the following month the PSA test results indicated levels that led his oncologist to suggest no fur­ther treatment as the cancer was said to be in remission.
Upon receipt of this news the supplementation was reduced to one Salvestrol Platinum (2,000 point) capsule per day for cancer prevention.

Case #3.

A 74-year-old gentleman was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Subsequently this man spoke
with his cousin, a university lecturer, who told him that one of his students was diagnosed with a terminal brain cancer and had recovered after taking Salvestrols. He decided to begin a course of salvestrol supplementation taking two (350 point) Salvestrol Shield capsules per day. Six months after receiving his diagnosis his PSA level had dropped from 11 to below 1 ng/mL. At this point the patient switched salvestrol products and began taking one (2,000 point) Salvestrol Platinum capsule three times per day after meals, to give a total supplemtation of 6000 points per day. Twelve months after receiving his diagnosis his PSA level had dropped to 0.2 ng/mL. A new doctor continued with the PSA monitoring and upon receiving a subsequent PSA test result the physician said that the PSA level received was as low as it could be and asked if the patient was sure that he had not had surgery. Given the physician’s surprise that such a result could be achieved the patient confessed to taking salvestrols. The physician then stated that he must be at the cutting edge of research and he had other patients he would like to start on salvestrols. This patient continues to receive PSA test results at the 0.2 ng/ml level and has continues to take one (350 point) Salvestrol Shield capsule per day as a preventative measure, and has now embarked on a fitness program and change in diet.

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